Local Hoops Looks to Build Global Hoops Community with Interactive Hoop Map

Published on June 30, 2021 at slamonline.com

What started as taking pictures of basketball courts around the boroughs of New York has turned into thousands of Instagram users from all over the world sending in photos of hoops to one account: Local Hoops.

Founded by Jon Haray and Alex Rhubart, Local Hoops is a basketball brand centered around telling the authentic stories of the many overlooked aspects of the game. From the producer that puts together your favorite ESPN segment to a mossy backboard tucked away in an obscure location, LH is driven by connecting hoopers around the world.

A natural extension of the brand came in the form of documenting various types of courts throughout the boroughs of New York City. Both Alex and Jon would go out and capture different locations around the city, while Instagram users would tag Local Hoops in their discoveries of courts they found in their own pockets of the country.

As the number of users who sent photos to Alex and Jon piled up, the two felt that they needed to develop a strategy in which their posts wouldn’t get lost in the jumble of Instagram’s feed. Thus began the launch of Local Hoop’s new global hoops map feature. (READ THE FULL STORY HERE.)